I got a fire call at 12:30am this morning for a 2 car 10-50 just north of camp. I ended up doing traffic control, which would've ended just before 2am...had the drunk guy on the motorcycle not come to my intersection. Him falling off his bike was a bit of a clue. I called on the radio for our chief and sheriff deputies to come to the scene. My friend Tony saw the guy toss something into the woods when the sheriff arrived - turned out to be a GUN wrapped in a bandanna. He was promptly arrested and we had to fill out witness statements in case the case goes to trial.I finally got home around 4am & went to bed.
Tee hee! I just got my new DSLR today, a Nikon D80. God has provided a number of photo jobs this summer that have more than paid for this upgrade in equipment, plus I was able to bless a photographer friend with my older camera. In his words, I'm his "new best friend." He's a gifted photographer with a young family & not a lot of extra spending money. I look forward to seeing some of his new shots.
Over the past few weeks I've been having "hallelujah moments." There are so many different things that I look at in my life that make me want to shout "Hallelujah!"
My daughter's smile
My wife's love
God's provision for unexpected car repairs
My job at Timber-lee
My health
Sunsets over Peters Lake
Working with kids at our climbing tower
There is seemingly no end to reasons to proclaim "hallelujah!" to the One who is indeed worthy of all I have, all that I am.
Check out the update to my photography website, www.prowitzphoto.com. I had some ideas kicking around my head for the past couple weeks, so I took advantage of some down time while I waited for my truck to be repaired & dove in.
Eight total hours later, the site is up & functioning. Let me know what you think.
Holy cow! This holiday now applies to me! It was pretty cool to get cards, and a really cool Starbucks photo mug filled with pics of Olivia (she made it herself, with safety scissors I hear!)
I'm so blessed to be given the opportunity to raise such a beautiful little girl.
Well sportsfans, I've got my second wedding under my belt. Taking pictures for Ben and Jill was a lot of fun. I almost got sucked into the "wedding photographer zone" again...NO...NO, I SAY!...um, ok, I'm back.
Tried some new stuff this go around. Again, lighting was really dark in the church, so I brought a secret weapon...one of my studio lights with a soft box. Oh, it was nice, especially for the after-service portraits.
Well, the severe weather that was threatening Wisconsin last week (June 7th) missed us, with only a strong thunderstorm blowing through late that evening. Nice lightning, but that was about it.
Northern Wisconsin wasn't so lucky, with large hail and a few tornados. I started to get a little curious that afternoon when I noticed reports of a kayak in a pine tree. White Lake? That's where we do our whitewater rescue training for Timber-lee's widerness trip staff. They had just been to Bear Paw Resort, our traditional training spot, earlier that week. The resort was hit square on by a F3 tornado measured at almost a half mile wide with winds around 160mph. All of the buildings there were severely damaged or completely destroyed.
An example of God's protection: my friends John & Roy were at Bear Paw helping with training that week & were at the resort on the day of the storms. They had almost settled on taking a nap, but decided that they needed to eat, so they went into Antigo for dinner. On the way back they encountered a roadblock. Evidently, search crews were looking for 2 men missing from the resort. "Uh, you're probably looking for us" was John's response & they let them through.
Pray for Jamee, Shirlee, and the rest of the Bear Paw crew. Roy lost his minivan and a bunch of climbing and river gear.
Check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dghx4_iywOY for John's video (no sound) of what they found once they returned from dinner.
Well, I survived my first wedding photography job. It really was an experience. My friends Ryan and Sarah were married last Saturday. The night before, I went to the rehersal to check out the church, get a feel for how the service was going to run, etc. I tried really hard to "be" a wedding photographer, taking test shots only of traditional-type pictures. The church was small, the lighting was poor, I had to take almost all my pictures using a speedlight.
The pictures sucked. I discovered I'm not a wedding photographer! But what was I going to do? They were counting on me to take their pictures. Then I remembered something Sarah said when she hired me - she loved my particular style & that's why she wanted me to be their photographer.
I just had to be me! When I arrived at the church the next morning, I felt free. I had fun throughout the day. It was a ton of work & I definitely earned every dollar I was being paid.
I'm definitely not looking for a career change, but I've discovered that my key to photographing weddings is to stay true to myself. I love capturing life, and that's what I did last Saturday. Thanks, Ryan and Sarah, for letting me share your special day with you!