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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Another year past!

Happy New Year, everyone! Can you believe it's 2007? Ok, some of you may be wondering what's so amazing about 2007. Well, when you consider I was born in get the picture. Who would've guessed, back in 1980 when I was playing with my GI Joes, that 27 years later I'd be sitting in front of a 19" color LCD monitor, writing a New Year's post to my blog. Yikes!

I went for a walk/run last night (part of an early new year's resolution.) As I was doing my cool down walk, I spent some time talking with God. I looked back on the past year, all the good, the bad, etc. Through it all, I'm reminded of Romans 8:38-39:

"I'm absolutely convinced that nothing - nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable - absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us." (The Message)

No matter what life throws at you, what better place to be than in the loving arms of God!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Vacation Update

I'm rather enjoying my break from work...ok, it's sort of a break from work. I've still got a week to go, but I find myself back in the office mindset. Today I've been reading such relaxing tomes as "Effective Leadership in Adventure Programming," studying things like spontaneous, analogous, and structured forms of using metaphors in adventure programming (say that fast 3 times with a mouthful of Pringles!)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Elim Adventure

Just a little something to keep in prayer. I've been working with some administration members of Elim Bible Institute towards establishing an adventure education program at the school. It's in the extremely early stages, as I just sent an initial proposal to the school last week. Besides God & my family, I have two loves when it comes to ministry - being involved in camp ministry directly, and preparing those considering this unique ministry. I'll keep you posted...

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Watchin' the Belly

Ok, we're big dorks, but Jen & I spent quite a few minutes last night watching Olivia kick. It was like she was doing aerobics or tae bo in there. It was SO funny! I think the reality of being parents is starting to sink in for me now that Jen's showing. Until now, things outwardly have been the same since the only "proof" we had that there was indeed a little person in there was a positive pregnancy test and some early ultrasounds.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Turkeys - Part Deux

When I went outside this morning to start my truck, I turned the corner by the garage & found myself literally face to face with the two turkeys from Saturday. I looked at them...they looked at me...some more looking on both our parts...and then I went to my truck while the two large birds just stood there watching me. Living at camp, with all the wildlife that's gotten used to 70,000 people on grounds, is kinda otherworldly sometimes.

Sunday, December 3, 2006


Got to see Last Tuesday, John Reuben, Sanctus Real, and Superchic[k] Saturday night at Fox River Christian Church as part of their "Live Love" tour. Lots of fun, good music, plus I got to take pictures of the concert.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

The snow's here (and turkeys, too!)

Well, we got our first snowfall of the year, and it was a doozy! Almost 10 inches of snoww fell overnight, so Jen got to stay home from school due to cancelled classes. On one hand, camp looks beautiful covered in this thick white blanket...but it needs to get moved to our guests can come & go. Lots of shoveling, snowblowing, plowing, etc. As I was working on shoveling our driveway & excavating my truck, I heard some turkeys calling. I remember thinking as I tossed another shovelful of snow on the pile, "those sound really close."
I looked up & saw the source of the sounds - a male & female turkey no more than 30 feet away hanging around the nearby parking lot. I grabbed my camera & was able to get within 10 feet of them at times for some nice shots.