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Saturday, September 15, 2007

A Weary Thankfulness

As I sit here at my desk, I find myself feeling very...tired. Our internship program is short a few people this year & it means I'm in the teaching schedule more than usual. It's been a long week in the rain, the sun, the heat, and the record cold of the past few days. Couple that with the fact that I'm still recovering from a case of guessed it. It's been a challenge.

Human beings are a funny bunch when it comes to challenges. I see it all the time on our ropes courses. When we encounter resistance of any kind, our natural inclination is to take ourselves out of the fire. After all, hardship=BAD, doesn't it?

However, God gives us the ability, the grace, to overcome ANY challenge in our lives. It doesn't mean He takes it away. If anything, He wouldn't be the loving Father that He is if He prematurely removed us from the tempering fire of our refining.

I'm tired, but I'm good, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

1 comment:

vikkigirl said...

I didn't know you had pneumonia.


Wish you could be at home in bed under the covers instead of outside braving the heat/wind/cold/sun. That can't be helping. I hope you feel better soon.

Vikki, your sister. :)