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Friday, December 11, 2009

The real tragedy of Global "Warming" (btw, the polar bears are fine!)

[Getting on soapbox] Ladies and gentlemen, the myth of manmade global warming unravels almost by the day. Googling "Climategate" produces a wealth of information. Regardless of what you believe, read everything you can get your hands on. At the very least, it should prove that the theory of manmade global warming is far from settled science. We need to show our leaders that we have brains & can think for ourselves.

But this post is not about whether or not we're responsible for raising the earth's temperatures. It's about, in my opinion, collateral damage resulting most recently from this whole global warming mess.

(1) The death of network news. In the two weeks following the University of East Anglia's documents being made public, the "major" news outlets in the US remained oddly silent on the matter, even as it was being reported in major outlets worldwide. Instead, viewers who rely on NBC, CBS, and ABC were treated to more than 35 reports on Tiger Woods' marriage problems, even something about a moose, with nary a SINGLE mention of quite possibly the biggest scandal of modern science. Crickets chirping...

And they wonder why their ratings continue to plummet? It's because they've lost our TRUST. No longer champions in search of truth, they've instead become a glorified infomercial, hawking agendas.

(2) Corrupted science. Contrary to how Al Gore and other global warming acolytes would like to portray them, the recently published documents from the University of East Anglia are pretty damning. An article in the Wall Street Journal-Europe calls "Climategate" the "tip of the iceberg" as raw data from other researchers, including NASA and NOAA, has not been provided as required by FOI. Interesting to see how far the rabbit hole goes! Think Al will give refunds if all this proves to be a big sham?

Used to be the scientific method couldn't be corrupted, but when the politicians write the scientist's paychecks, what should we expect?

(3) Polar Bears. Ok, contrary to what kids are STILL being taught in school (the "drowning" polar bear pics were debunked years ago, btw) they're really not a victim in this, as scientists who actually STUDY polar bears for a living report that their numbers are increasing overall, that the varieties that are decreasing are doing so primarily as a result of hunting. Actually, according to the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, if there's an increase in temperatures, it'll result in an INCREASE in habitat for wildlife, decreasing the arctic desert and increasing forested areas.

Bottom line? Study for yourself, guys! And you politicians out there, beware. Knowledgeable citizens vote.

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