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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Memories of home

Spent some time last weekend transporting some things for my sister as she prepares to move back home to my parent's house. After bringing the last of the boxes inside, I found myself walking around the yard in the moonlight. It was amazing all the memories that came to mind...

* That scraggly little tree in the front yard that looked like a mop
* Dodgeball in the front yard with soaked Nerf footballs
* The apple "bush"
* Our dog's "minefield," especially when cutting the grass
* Riding bikes on the patio 'cuz dad didn't want us in the street
* Mom's chive plant by the back steps
* Throwing dried dirt clods at each other like hand grenades
* The grits I dumped into the evergreen bush when I made too much
* The play fort (manly 'til mom & Vikki painted flowers on it)
* Playing catch with Dad next to the garage
* Kickball games at the side of the house
* The Prayer Tree

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