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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Olivia Leaped!

During church this morning, we were singing "Your Grace is Enough" & everyone was really worshiping. Jen leaned over and whispered that Olivia was moving around quite a bit. At first we thought it was because of the volume of the music.

I started to tear up, though, when I thought of the account in Luke chapter 1, when an angel told Zechariah (v.15) that his son John (the Baptist) would "be filled with the Holy Spirit, even before his birth." Later in verse 41, when Elizabeth visits Mary, "at the sound of Mary's voice, Elizabeth's child leaped within her."

Regardless of the reason for Olivia's movement, it's my prayer that she would enjoy a relationship with her Heavenly Father to its fullest, learn the contentment found only by residing in His grace, and never be ashamed to "leap" in His presence.

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