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Monday, November 13, 2006

Money, Money, Money

First of all, this isn't a rant concerning being fearful about finances. Actually, it's the opposite. It's been almost a year exactly since Jen & I started a credit counseling program and a cash budget plan (thanks Dave Ramsey!) Where we were living paycheck to paycheck, worrying about any unexpected expense, we've now paid our overall debt down thousands of dollars in 12 months, and we've paid CASH for every surprise. Thank you God for teaching us to be good stewards of what You give us!

Now, with a baby on the way, there's the temptation to worry again. A baby? How do we know how this new addition will affect our budget? I have to force myself to accept that "it will all work out." God knows our every need, has promised to provide for those needs, and Baby Prowitz hasn't surprised Him (Oh, shoot! I didn't factor a baby into My plan of provision! Oops!)

Please keep us in prayer as we move into this new, uncharted wilderness known as PARENTHOOD.


1 comment:

DEBTective said...

Bub, just wanted to say I'm big-time proud of you for working to deep-six your debt and connect with your cash. Dave Ramsey's plan makes tons of sense, doesn't it? Way to go on the dough, baby! Thanks for spreading the debt-free word, and for working for The Man Upstairs.