We were worried...hah! God is so good. Today's storm is finally slowing down after dumping another 8 inches on us.
It's a reminder to me that God is interested & involved in ALL the details of our lives. I remember a number of years ago, we had a group scheduled for a day of ropes course activities. As their day drew near, the weather forecast was not in their favor. The night before, they were predicting "100% chance of thunderstorms." Not looking good.
The next morning, I went over some last minute details with their youth pastor. "By the way, it looks like the weather's going to be a problem today & we may have to cut things short depending on when it hits." "We've been praying all week for today," was his response, "and we're believing that it's not going to affect us."
By 3pm, under blue skies & tall clouds to our north & south, I was getting a little curious as to where our "100%" storms were. I sneaked away to my office where I could check radar images on the web.
As someone who took meteorology classes in high school & college, I couldn't believe what I saw...
The entire region was experiencing strong storms...except us. Looking at the radar image, it was a mass of green, orange, and red, but right through the middle of it, it looked like someone had taken their finger and erased a 20 mile wide straight line right through the middle of it. Animating the map, Timber-lee stayed exactly in the middle of that line.
I went back out to the course to meet up with the youth pastor. "I'm witnessing the answer to your prayers, live on Doppler radar."
Two hours later, as we were finishing the last group of the day, we heard our first rumble of thunder & it started to rain.